As of late, there's been an increasingly popular trend for unique, and some would say impractical handbags. Whilst a classic leather tote will always be a wardrobe staple, various different fabrications have come into play recently. Clear plastic bags have been popular (note what I was saying about impracticality) but more so beaded bags have come out as the winner. Inspired by vintage designs from the 1960's, these beaded bags come with nostalgic throwbacks and they are above all else, super cute! Sure they are fun, colourful and on trend but don't expect to be carrying many items with you. - there'll only be room to carry the essentials. If you like to have fun with your sartorial choices, and are quite happy to get onboard with short term trends, then beaded bags could be your go to accessories choice for summer 2019. The playful aesthetic, coupled with a bright colour palette and quirky motifs, would be a great fit for girls who like to inject light-hearted fun into their outfits.
1. Topshop £25
2. Delduca £617
3. Staud £195
4. Rosantica £190
5. Skinny Dip £32
6. Loeffler Randall £255
7. Susan Alexandra £274
8. New Look £25.99
9. Shrimps £440
Phillippa x
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